Picture of Rev. Jessica Johansson

Rev. Jessica Johansson

The Saturn Return: What Is It and How to Make the Most of It


The Saturn Return is a phenomenon that happens when Saturn, the planet of maturity and responsibility, returns to the same place in the sky as it was at the time of your birth. For most people, the first Saturn Return occurs around ages 27 to 30, and the second Saturn Return happens around 57 to 60. Some people will live long enough to experience a third Saturn Return, roughly between 87 and 90. This blog post will discuss the first two Saturn Returns and how you can make the most of them.

A Saturn Return is a time when you are called to step into your power and take responsibility for your life. Depending on Saturn’s placement and condition in the natal chart, how a Saturn Return manifests in an individual can vary. It can manifest as sudden upheaval for some, while it can be a slow but steady change for others. Regardless of how it shows up for you, it is a time of transformation. You are being called to step into your power and take responsibility for your life. Yes, it can be a scary time, but it is also a time of great opportunity. Trust that everything is happening for your highest good. If you can embrace the change and grow through it, you will come out the other side a stronger, wiser person.

The First Saturn Return (Age 27-30)

One of the challenges of the first Saturn Return is that it can be a time of great uncertainty. You may feel lost and like you don’t know who you are or what you want in life. This is normal! It is all part of finding yourself and your place in the world.

Another challenge of the first Saturn Return is that it can be a time of great turmoil. This is because you are being called to let go of things that no longer serve you and create space for new things to come into your life. This can be anything from relationships to jobs to toxic habits. If you can let go of what is no longer serving you, you will make space for new and better things to come into your life. 

If you are currently in your first Saturn Return, here are a few things that you can do to work with the energy:

  • Meditate, journal, or do some form of self-reflection every day. This will help you to connect with yourself and your higher purpose.
  • Spend time in nature. Connecting with the natural world will help you ground yourself and feel supported.
  • Be patient with yourself. This is a time of significant growth, and it takes time for change to happen.
  • Seek out support from others who are going through the same thing. It can be helpful to talk to someone who understands what you are going through.

The Second Saturn Return (Age 57-60)

The second Saturn Return is a time when you are called to review your life and make any necessary changes. This is a time when you may be called to retire from your career or move to a new location. It is also a time when you may be called to end relationships that are no longer healthy or to let go of old patterns and behaviors.

If you are in your second Saturn Return, here are a few things that you can do to support yourself in the process:

  • Spend time with your family and friends. This is a time to connect with the people who matter most to you.
  • Make time for your hobbies and interests. This is a time to do things that make you happy.
  • Travel and explore new places. This is a time to expand your horizons.
  • Seek out support from others who are going through the same thing. It can be helpful to talk to someone who understands what you are going through.

No matter what stage of life you are in, remember that you are always capable of making the most of it. Embrace the change, trust in the process, and believe in yourself. If you’d like some support navigating your Saturn Return, consider booking a Saturn Return consultation with me. It can give you the clarity and direction you need to make the most of this powerful rite of passage. 

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